QUESTION? How can you say moms and dads that you love the son or daughter you gave birth to; but you don't discipline them when they've done something wrong? Yes, it's good to be their friend/pal however you also have the responsibility to explain to them that their actions will produce consequences that can affect them for the rest of their life's ... Don't you know that the first educational institution is established in the home? Now the school system can only do so much and when push comes to shove our Heavenly Father will hold you accountable for what your little one has done ...
Therefore, whenever you have the opportunity, don't forget to PRAY over your tokens of love(your kids), set aside some time so that you can study God's word with them, TALK with them about their behavior and PLEASE try to refrain from ATTACKING them; because that will only shut them down. Finally, remind them in a wise, parental and loving kind of way that their children of the Most High and yours too. For this is what the Bible says regarding this matter ...
Proverbs 13:24 ~ If you do not punish your children, you don't love them, but if you love your children, you will correct them.
Food 4 Thought,
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola(c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved